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The Instructors This Week Report

The instructors report includes a page for each active instructor. This page lists the active and inactive students for which that instructor is the primary instructor. It includes valuable lesson and payment information for the instructors and executives to review on a regular basis.

The instructors report contains weekly information, from Sunday to Saturday in the week currently selected. To view the report, first click on a date on the calendar to move the lesson sheet to a day in the week for which the information is desired.

Then, from the program's opening page, click “Instructors This Week”. This will open the report in .pdf format, ready for viewing or printing. Press the print button in the .pdf viewing program to print the report.

At the top of each instructor's page is listed the total number of lessons, not counting (Group) or (N/A) lessons, scheduled in that week.

The top half of the page lists all the students with lessons scheduled in that week, under each student's level. If the student has more than one lesson scheduled that week, the number of lessons will be displayed beside the student's name. If the instructor is not the primary instructor of the scheduled student, the name of the primary instructor of the student will be displayed beside the student's name.

The bottom half of the page lists “Students without Lessons”: all the students who are not permanently inactive, but do not have a lesson scheduled with their primary instructor for that week. Each inactive student will be listed on the page of their primary instructor. If the student took classes with another instructor that week, that instructors name will be listed in parentheses after the student's name.

For both students with and without lessons, if a payment is due during that week, beneath the student's name will be printed “Payment Due” in bold, along with the amount of the payment that is due.

Table of Contents

view_the_instructors_report.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/01 13:34 (external edit)