Finding Enrollments and Payments

To find or create a report on enrollments, proposals, or payments, click “Find Payments” on the program's opening page. At first, this page will list any payments that are currently overdue, but the boxes at the top of the page can be used to search for any combination of enrollments and payments. Use the check boxes to select what types of entries to search, then enter your desired search criteria into the boxes and press the Find button to list the results. See Entering Search Criteria for more information about how to perform searches.

Search Criteria

The following search criteria will only filter the enrollments displayed:

These criteria, on the other hand, only affect the payments displayed:

The “Student” field will filter both payments and enrollments.


The first row of checkboxes determines what sort of elements will be searched for. Check one or more of the following:

:!: The second row of checkboxes must be filled if you want to search for either unit or miscellaneous payments. Choose to find payments that are due, payments that are paid, or both. These checkboxes have no effect on enrollments or proposals.

Change the Number of Results Displayed

Next to the “Find” button there is a dropdown list which you can use to display the first 20, first 50 or all records that match your search criteria.


To print the results, click “Printer Friendly” at the bottom of the page to view the reports in a .pdf format, then click the printer icon within your .pdf viewing program.

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