==== Log an Inquiry or Guest ==== Inquiries such as telephone calls, drop-ins, and guests of other students are reported on the [[View Franchise Reports|Summary of Studio Business report]], so must be entered into the system. Click "Inquiries" on the program's opening page. This lists all inquiries and guests logged in the past 30 days. To list the entire history, click "View All" at the top of the list. To add a new inquiry, complete the "Add a New Inquiry" form at the top of the page: * Date: The date and time of the inquiry, defaults to the current date and time. * First Name and Last Name: One or both names may be entered * Phone Number: Enter the contact phone number here. * Guest Of: If this person is a guest or referral of a current student, select the student's name from this list. If the student is a guest of someone who is not a student of this studio (for example the guest of a student from another studio), simply enter them as the guest of the (N/A) or (Group) student and mark in the notes who they are a guest of. * Source: Where did the inquirer learn about the studio (ex. Newspaper, Billboard, Friend) * Follow Ups: Number of calls/contacts since initial inquiry * Status: The current status of the inquiry (ex. going on vacation, will be back 03/06) * Notes: Record any notes you may have on this inquiry, its origination, or follow-up. If this inquiry or guest is ready to book a lesson, click the "Save and Book" button. This will save the inquiry log, then directly move to the new student form to add the new student and book a lesson. Any notes on the inquiry will be copied to the notes for the new student. See [[Add a New Student]]. [[Table of Contents]]