==== Entering Search Criteia ==== When specifying search criteria, enter dates in m/d/y format and times in hour:min am/pm format. Numeric or date ranges can be specified with a dash. A value followed by a dash like "**10/1/2007-**" will search for records higher than the given value. Likewise a value preceded by a dash like "**-10/1/2007**" will search for records lower than the given value. Two values separated by a dash like "**9/1/2007-10/1/2007**" will search for records in between the two values. A number of different values or ranges can be separated by commas will search for records matching any of the values or ranges. For example "**Level: 1, 3-**" will search for lessons in level 1, 3 or above. When specifying search criteria in names or notes, type the search criteria within " " quotation marks to search for records whose //entire text// is the search value, otherwise it will find anything that //includes// what was typed. Beginning a search parameter with the word "**not**" will find all records that do not match that value. [[Table of Contents]]